This Blog is dedicated to informing the public and Gay Community of the Dangers of Anal Sex. Whereas this condition is not unique to the Homosexual community, they appear to be more pron to succumb to it. Spread the word
Safe Anal sex has been marginalized to the edge of society where no-one talks of it, until it rears it's ugly consequences.

Anal bleeding

A Bleeding anus can prove quite troublesome. The trick is to get help as fast as possible from a known physician. This type of cancers are the source of much discomfort for many individuals out there.
Prevention though is better than cure , go through my site just to see how well to Prevent the likes of such. Safety precautions are a necessity to prevention of this deformity, contrary to popular belief It is not uniquely caused by unsafe sex, but it is often caused with practise of unsafe repeated sexual activities. Alas it is finally advisable to learn how to engage in Gay sex! If you are not too enlightened on how to do this It is HIGHLY ADVISABLE to WATCH GAY-THEMED MOVIES

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